воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

Презентация новой книги стихов Григория Кружкова

Григорий Кружков. Холодно-горячо. Ozolnieki: Literature Without Borders, 2015

В четверг, 17 декабря, в 19.00, в книжной лавке "У кентавра" состоится представление новой книги Г. Кружкова “Холодно-горячо”. В книгу вошли стихи, написанные за три года после предыдущей книги “Двойная флейта” (Воймега, 2012). Кроме того, в нее включены отдельные новые переводы из У.Б. Йейтса, У.Х. Одена и Эудженио Монтале.
Предполагается чтение стихов и ответы на вопросы.
Ведущий вечера – Лев Оборин.
Мероприятие проводится в рамках программы Книжного клуба РГГУ, вход свободный.

2 комментария:

  1. Create an event to celebrate Grigory Kruzhkov's new book of poems. Choose a suitable venue, set up a stage, and decorate the space with artwork related to the book and its themes. Provide comfortable seating and refreshments. The program includes an introduction, author reading, guest speakers, Q&A session, book signing, networking, and closing remarks. Encourage attendees to mingle and discuss the book. End the event with a thank-you message and encourage continued support. Promote the event through social media, email newsletters, flyers, and local media outlets. Reach out to book clubs, literary societies, and poetry enthusiasts and offer incentives like discounts on book purchases or exclusive merchandise fairfax Weapons Offense Lawyer.

  2. Book clubs are a great way to discuss literature, share insights, and socialize around common interests. To start a book club, determine the theme or genre, decide on meeting frequency and location, and establish guidelines for book selection and discussion format. Find a book club by checking local libraries, community centers, or bookstores, or joining online platforms. Manage discussions by assigning roles, preparing discussion questions, and encouraging participation. Choose diverse books and allow flexibility for members to suggest their own. Enhance the experience by organizing author interviews, book signings, and social activities criminal defense lawyer arlington va.
